Sep 30, 2004 22:58
Buffy or Faith? Buffy
Willow or Fred? Willow
Cordy or Harmony? Cordy
Xander or Andrew? Xander
Spike or Angel? Angel
Giles or Wesley? Giles
Joyce or Jenny? That's a mean question... Ummm Jenny.
Darla or Drusilla? Dru
Lorne or Lindsey? Lorne
Eve or Lilah? Lilah
Chip or Soul? Soul
Pig or lamb? Lamb. And mint sauce. What's this got to do with anything?
Jonathan or Warren? Jonathan
Most annoying character? Connor
Worst character? Eve.
Buffy Episode? Older and Far Away
Angel Episode? Billy
Buffy Season? 5
Angel Season? 1
Buffy Plot? Tara gets a backbone. Dead Things - Seeing Red
Buffy Death? Warren
Angel Deaths? Darla's suicide stake
Angel Plot? Cordy/Angel from the beginning of season 3 until Darla arrives.
ATS Character? Cordy
Btvs Character? Cordy, closely followed by Anya & Tara
What Buffy episode made you cry? The Body. (Anya's monologue in Willow's dorm.)
What Angel episode made you cry? Hero
Funniest episode from Buffy? Doppelgangland
Funniest episode from Angel? Spin The Bottle
Buffy w/: inner peace.
Angel w/: Cordy
Xander w/: Anya
Andrew w/: Anya (THREESOME!)
Spike w/: Dru
Cordy w/: Angel
Dawn w/: Meh.
Giles w/: Jenny
Wes w/: Lilah
Fred w/: Gunn
Lilah w/: Wes
Lindsey w/: Angel.
Faith w/: Gunn
Gunn w/: Fred
Lorne w/: Anya
Willow w/: Tara
Connor w/: Certain Death
Harmony w/: Spike
If there was one thing you could change in the entire Btvs/Ats world -what would you change and why would you change it?
I would perform an intricate operation removing the 44 episodes between Birthday and You're Welcome. There were some good ones in it, but to be honest, it was when Cordy became part-demon that I think Jasmine first took hold. And Jasmine... bad...