Aug 11, 2004 13:58
i woke up this morning b/c my mother came yelling saying that i have to get on the bus for school. i was like ummm i graduated two years ago. then she was like "NO!" and she grabbed me by the arm and thru me out of the window onto the bus. all these kids were soooooo young. so i got to creek and walked around. i looked to see if they had my schedule BUT they didnt so i just went and smoked in the parking lot. then a blue bus pulled up and told me to get in. where are you taking me? i asked the kind cockney accent toting brit fagg bus driver delux(e). "right o'. we're takin' you to 'oggworts." i said hell yeah. he said bloody hell. and here i am using a magic box word processor to send you this real update of my true life. now, if youll excuse me i have transfiguration in 5 mins. prof. gringle's gonna have my ass this time!