I Amaze Myself from Time to Time

Sep 14, 2004 22:16

Yesterday Joe came over to tell me about the car he might be getting and somehow we got onto the topic of New York, rough neighborhoods and the lot. Oh yea my Parents are going to New York this weekend...that's why. haha. I told them that I wanted to drive down in the Bronx at three in the morning or something to see all the gangstas. My mom told me I was crazy and Joe said I was stupid but then I came up with the greatest idea!

Imagine if I could somehow take a school bus, turn into a huge armored car with windows and then take a group of people through the streets of rough neighborhoods for tours of ghetto ganstaville!
I'll call it Rough Riding tours or Gangster Galloping something or other, but whatever I would make millions! I would pay to go on a tour like that, see where 50-cent was shot, haha oh yea, that would be badass.

I had a great idea for a poem called 'I Am' but it's to much of a hassle at the moments so I guess I put it on hold. I'm not sure if the open mic is going on or not...so someone let me know, I've got a cool duet piece to perform with a friend. Gangster Galloping...God I'm a GENIUS!
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