Intro et al

Aug 09, 2008 19:31

Well, I found this comm via superhero_muses and I must admit I read through all the archives over the course of a few days.

I'm a big Huntress fan, though I first got introduced to her via the tv show, Birds of Prey. Since then, I got really interested in the character of Helena Wayne, and even played her in an RP for awhile. Playing her spawned This Ficlet. It's a bit older, just a short telling of how Helena became the Huntress.

Since then, I've become a lot more interested in the Bertinelli version and Birds of Prey the comic. So there you have it.

I'm also working on a Huntress costume for Superman Celebration next year (I'm going to dress up with a group of girls as the Birds of Prey, and my husband is going as The Question)

Anyways, now that my intro's aside, I do have a question-does anyone have scans from the end of Helena's relationship with Vic Sage? I can't seem to find that anywhere, though I can find plenty from when they first met. If anyone could help, that would be awesome :)

And other than that, hi to everyone!
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