Dec 07, 2007 21:36
Dinner was a quiet affair for me that evening. Or at least it was until I met a young fellow by the name of Laurie (short for Lawrence) who proved to be as spiffing a dinner companion as a chap could ask for. A Scottish bird, you see, with all the pipe-smoking ginger-hairedness one would expect of that breed. And, let me tell you, the johnnie could knock back the cups! I don't mind telling you, I was a bit shocked at first- must be Jeeves getting to me there; my affections for the chap aside, he did tend towards the more old fashioned side of things- but as he jollied up, so did I.
However, this meant that I was unable to concentrate my attentions on the rather rum affair of whatever was bothering Jeeves. Well, it wasn't as if I hadn't plenty of time for that during the rest of the week, what? I was stuck as fast as a molasses tin lid to the ceiling of Totleigh Towers' dining room, and if you don't know, that sticks pretty deuced tight. That in mind, I allowed myself to enjoy the evening, and even decided to showcase the Wooster skills in the billiards arena after we'd shovelled down a few platefuls of victuals. I'm no pro pool player, as I am in the world of darts, but I'm not half bad either, and made a dashed good show of things.
Two or three hours seemed to have stealthily escaped us by the time I returned to the humble temporary abode, and I greeted the empty air with aplomb as I entered.
'What ho, what ho, what ho!'
zomg teh slash,
bertie's real life