May 17, 2008 15:54
In lieu of children, I have pets and plants. All of the plants are in containers and very portable, but a container garden of edible plants is a new undertaking. So far, mostly so good. And that makes me happy. (What would make me happier: the courage, energy, and means to start composting.)
1 enormous pot of prayer plants
1 spider plant
1 philodendron
1 violet plant
1 pot of rosemary
1 christmas cactus (two, actually, but in one pot)
1 root bundle of mint
Sprouting Seeds:
2 varieties of lettuce (one is sprouting, one will sprout later)
1 basil plant
1 fernleaf dill plant (not in good shape, but I have seeds)
2 cherry tomato plants
1 lemon balm plant
New Equipment:
2 long, rectangular planters for herbs
1 medium pot for tomatoes
1 small pot for the spider plant