May 29, 2006 13:41
Something scary is happening....
Something wonderfully scary.
I hate getting my hopes up,
as much as I'm used to it...
But I really think this is going to happen.
Mainly because I want it to so badly,
and things just keep falling into place.
Anyone interested in being a tad crazy...
61 N Cumberland St.
Soon to be the home of an exciting new establishment...
An adventurous experience with food, beverage, music, and art.
Predjudices aside, the space is awesome, the people are amazing... and the ideas are flowing...
And hopefully this week, the tearing and scrubing ensues, and we can get our asses moving.
Motivation and creativity is high, and really any ideas are welcomed - not guranteed supported... but welcomed!
If anyone reading this has anything they think they can bring to the table, no pun intended
Let me know! I'd love to hear it....
Just as long as I can't find it in a box chain restauraunt, or a department store.
Really, anything that is promoting a healthy, expressive lifestyle... and the local economy and artists - shout it out!
Any struggling artist friends, hibernating chefs... etc.
Warning to closed mindedness :
This place will be different than anything that you have seen here...
The food will be different than anything you have experienced...
The art will be amazing.
I could go on and on right now...
But I will wait until there are things more set in stone so that I don't look like a crazy fool later.
Hope you're all as excited for this as I am!
Oh yeah, and I have a new favourite movie...
Crossroads. circa 1986.
get on it if you love the blues....
and Steve Vai solos make you drool.
Thank you Mr. Warnick.
(bachelor extrodinaire)