Jan 26, 2008 16:56
Wow!! This week went by fast. We were supposed to have Nova training on Thursday, but there was a bad storm and trains were cancelled from Sapporo to Hakodate. Now the training is next Thursday. Should be fun!! We're also getting another Nova teacher next week. After she comes we won't get anymore teachers from Sapporo. Then Chris and I have to train Drew and Julia to teach EC. Should be fun!!
I was still a bit bitchy this week, but I'm getting better. I just find I'm getting pissed off very easily latley. Must be my time of the month. Mariko told me to eat some chocolate :)
I called Dustin last Sunday. It's the first time we've talked in about a year. We've emailed each other, but haven't heard each other's voices in about a year. It was kinda strange and a bit awkward. I felt like he didn't really want to talk to me. I felt like he was holding back. We managed to chat for about a half an hour before he had to go as he was at work and on a break. I didn't get the chance to talk to him about our break up and each taking responsibilty for it. When we broke up he put it all on me because I was the one who chose to live in another country. But we talked about it before I left and decided to try to keep up the long distance relationship and he would come and visit me. He forgot that part of it and kept telling me that I was the one who chose to go. I knew he was in a fragile state and decided to just take it and not respond. But now he's in a happy place with a new b/f and I think he needs to hear my side of it. He needs to realize that I made the decision to leave based on our discussions. He needs to know that I held up my end and he was the one who backed out. For me that means the responsibility for our split was 50/50. He was also the only person I didn't get to see when I was home for Christmas. He said he was really busy, but after talking to him and knowing him, I think he was afraid to see me. Maybe I'll just email him with my side of it and get it off my chest. I told him I'd call him again sometime, but I'm not too sure about that.