Title: Lost Love
Author: asknicer
Pairing: Bert and Gerard
Rating: G
POV: Gerard
Summary: Prompt 1: Gerard discovers someone is looking for him.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, didn’t happen, don’t sue (and besides, I’m a lawyer…)
A/N: My first posted fic, and self-betaed, so be nice…please.
Gerard leaned his head back against the plastic covering of the car seat. The taxi driver seemed aware of the exhaustion that plagued Gerard and thankfully remained quiet. After spending over 12 hours at Comicon ’06 talking to industry contacts, fans and friends, Gerard didn’t have energy left to make polite conversation.
After an agonisingly long ride through San Diego traffic, the taxi pulled up outside a hotel. Gerard paid the drive and wearily clambered out of the yellow vehicle.
Despite the late hour and absence of natural light, Gerard put his sunglasses on in an attempt an anonymity. He made it through the hotel lobby and up to the room he was sharing with Mikey and Alicia, with nothing more than a few sideways glances. Gerard was unsure whether the looks were because of his eyewear, or because he had been recognised. Either way he was grateful no one approached him.
Once inside the hotel room he sagged against the closed door. The mere seven feet that remained between him and the couch seemed insurmountable. A wave of mental exhaustion washed over him and he slid to the hardwood floor. Gerard closed his eyes enjoying the bliss of being back in his “own” space.
Minutes passed and the tired fog began lifting from his mind. Gerard heard music coming from Mikey and Alicia’s bedroom. As he contemplated calling out a greeting to his brother, he heard Alicia’s muffled exclamation.
“Oh my God, Mikey! Listen to this!”
“What is it?” came Mikey’s reply.
“Pete just sent me a link to an interview with Bert McCracken.”
Gerard’s heart began pounding. Although Gerard hadn’t been intentionally eavesdropping, he now strained to hear the conversation.
“Oh God! What’s he said now?” he heard Mikey sigh.
“I’ll read it to you. 'I caught up with Bert McCracken in Utah where he told me of lost loves and his band’s plans for the future.' Blah blah. Says they’re hitting the studio in the next six months. Umm… this is the interesting part.
'Question: The rumour mill is rife with tales you have broken up with your fiancée.'
'Answer: Yeah. It was a tough decision to make, but in the end it just wasn’t working.'
'And why was that?'
'I just wasn’t as committed as I needed to be. I guess I’ve been having some trouble letting go of some old feelings for old people.'
'Are we talking about Kelly Osborne?'
'[laughs] Fuck no! Lets just say that I am trying to reconnect with an old friend, but it’s proving harder than expected.'
'Question: A certain frontman turned comic writer?'
'Answer: [laughs]'
And that’s it.”
Gerard didn’t hear Mikey’s response. He was lost in the memory of a mess of dark hair so dirty it was almost dreadlocks. He saw it tinted red by stage lights and wet with sweat. He remembered it hanging around his own face like a curtain as he kissed the lips it belonged to. And most recently he had seen it today.
Or had he? Twice he thought he had glimpsed that hair at the convention. Both times he had felt his heart leap, and both times he’d had to remind himself that a comic convention was the last place he’d be likely to see that hair.
Gerard’s eyes stung and his chest hurt. He missed his best friend.
Was Bert really looking for him? No. The interview had been all about innuendo. Nothing was actually said. He was kidding himself if he believed Bert was looking for him.
Gerard felt the door behind him rattle as someone knocked. Gerard slowly pulled himself to his feet. He turned and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Blue eyes stared from beneath a cascade of tangled black hair.
“I found you.”