(no subject)

Jan 17, 2005 23:50

It's simply amazing how you can be on the verge of a three day weekend and a moment later you have a few hours left until you awaken to the hurried pace of school... I could be doing so many more things with my time. Evaluating, improving, creating, honing myself as I usually do in my free time... Yet still I am forced to live my life a week at a time, coming up for a short breath every so often. My life has not begun yet, I am restrained, held down by routine. How am I supposed to be cheerful? There is no way in hell I am going shoot a grin at all these fools as if they deserve my attention. What most people do not get about me... I give no respect because none have earned it. Although, it never works that way when among people still in their mental infancy.

Prolonged seperation from the herd my entire life has given me a detached but objective view at the system in which I inhabit (only on the outskirts). I've grown to accept it, and at many time LONG for seperation, sovereignty, and seclusion. I can only be at ease with those like myself which to merely be free from ideological and social pressures. It's very odd to me how high school has become a model for a social network later in life. Gossip is a faculty virtually unknown to my social repetoire. It basically encapsulates a city, in which people are forced to function in close quarters for long periods of time and is perhaps a preparation for the growing urban virus ripping across the planet. With more people in the same area for long periods of time in those initial periods of mental growth, it is extremely easy to mold those minds however the sculptor pleases. And of course, the best social programming tool of all is pushing the herd mentality on non-conformers to the system. (Even the so-called "rebels" serve purpose to higher ends of the system. They create the opposite of the hierarchy. They create the "us" and "them" mentality.)

The idea that equality and respect is a long-held value in America is laughable. Modern Western culture has basically devolved into a bunch of compulsive junkies ruled by the next coming barrage of images and sounds appealing to the primitive and "innocent" pleasures of the human mind. Make no mistake of it, if you want to cure America's ills you must go to the source, where neo-humans have been molded for some 80 years. The distinction must be made now that there is a new order taking over the planet, very subversively, for as they say, the devil comes with a smile and a handshake. The "global village" as they call it can be a miracle and a curse for a culture. It has thoroughly corrupted the public mind in most Westernized nations by gradually swaying public opinion in a certain direction permanently. I have a feeling it is going somewhere and going to peak eventually. Hate here, buy here, this would be fun, this'll make you attractive AND powerful, do this and you will be PUNISHED SEVERELY, idolized her, vilify him. It's a fucking melting pot of values that assaults your brain, quickly devaluating values for general population at breakneck speeds.

Some day a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets. When that day comes, I will be there, sword in hand, ready to strike down those who have only done the human race harm and only exist as parasites to profit from the slavery of these beasts of burden. Keep in mind, we all are bound to this system, and it cannot be escaped without burning it down to the root and burying it. Every day, you must ask yourself THE question: What am I really living for? "Knowing a why will defeat any how."

I cannot see myself living the rest of my life, watching television, going to work from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon. One of these days, we will live for some higher ideals than the material satisfaction of this bourgouise culture composed children disguised as adults living in their assigned cookie-cutter subdivisions in which 4 out of the 8 cars on the block have "MY CHILD IS AN HONOR-ROLL STUDENT" in bold white letters stuck to the back of the bumper.

Damn it, what is the point! Of all of this! All of my imprisonment, struggle, drudgery, all of this bullshit is an absolute speck of nothing! I should be allowed to live this speck of dust as I wish.

2 1/2 years.
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