Oct 09, 2005 17:06
I spent all day outside, relying on public transportation. It was lovely: so sunny and breezy. I watched a JCUA member/friend pass the 21.4 (I think) mark on the marathon. We were going to see the Toulouse Lautrec exhibit (on its last day) at the Art Institute. Unfortunately, which became fortunately, it was sold out. So, we eventually made our way to Chinatown. We saw her pass, after about an hour of cheering on the diverse assortment of stalwart runners. They are so impressive: the old, the less than fit, the young, the pregnant (that was the most impressive to me), the straight, the queer, a wide range of race. It was heart-warming, not to be cheesy. But, really, we felt good after cheering people on for an hour. And our friend was grateful for the friendly sight.
It was a good Sunday.