Always sleepy

Jan 18, 2011 22:49

I am always sleepy. Sleepyhead. I don't know why. I think I am just tired of schoolwork. Going and coming back to school. School is about 1 and 1/2 hour ride from our house. It's kind of tiring but I need to finish my studies. I haven't thought about working though because I feel that my body is not yet conditioned. I always get tired. Anyway, I don't have much to say today, I really need to sleep. I'll just type in my fanfic.. :D This is just a short one, its not from my long fanfic. :D

Setting: KeiAnn's house
Time: 9:30am

Keiann is sick and stayed at home until she has fully recovered. She told Inoo about it and Inoo visited her along with Yuto and Daiki.

*knock on the door*
Keiann's Mom: "Who's there?"
*opens the door*

Inoo: Ohayo! *bows* "Is Keiann there?"

Keiann's Mom: "Hai! She is upstairs, she's sick. Come in. Irrashaimase!" *bows*

Inoo, Yuto and Daiki: "Arigato Gozaimasu!"

The three of them went upstairs.

Inoo: *knocks on the door*

Keiann: "O hairi nasai!" "Oh! It's you guys. Arigato for visiting me. You don't have class ne~?"

Yuto: "Ahh, me and Daiki will have our class after lunch so we'll be leaving early. Inoo-san will stay with you."

Daiki: "Hai!"

Keiann: "Arigato! Doozo go yukkuri Inoo-san."

Inoo: "Hai! I already finished my classes. By the way, I brought you something."
(Hands Keiann a boquet of flowers)

Keiann: "Eh? For me?"

Inoo: "Who else would I give this to?"

Keiann: "Arigato Inoo-san!" (Kisses Inoo on the cheeks)

Yuto: "Ohh, those flowers are pretty. Sugoii!"

Daiki: "Hai! Hai! I agree, it's the first time that I've seen those kind of flowers."

Inoo: "While holding Keiann's hand) Boku no kanojo, totemo kirei nan da."


fanfic sleepy blog lj

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