Actually I'm supposed to do my homework right now, but I don't want to do them anymore. xD It's so boring.
So i tell you about yesterday.
o0lancha0o and two other friends visited me. (I'm so happy I got to meet them again, especially Lancha because she's studying far away now ;o;)
I had a lot of fun, we ate, drew, played with my little sister and fangirlt! XD Well, just Lancha, Zaru and me because FaFa doesn't manage to read Reborn! And Lancha showed me this FanFiction called
Dress Up. But I could read it just now because the others distracted me yesterday so much that I gave it up. |D
It's soooo funny, omg. Sorry Tsuna, I don't feel sorry for you at all!
The sandwich is so cool! >o<
Kay, I know you can't see the skirt but I really have to do my homework now. D: