(no subject)

Jun 12, 2007 11:13


All you never wanted to know about finding what and where in POLYchromatic, drink on the house. Keep stirring.


Section pending review.

For the time being, we do not accept:

- characters based off real persons;
- characters based off real life pantheons, excluding their representations as part of a particular fandom;
- ‘younger’ or ‘older’ versions of a taken character;
- characters which originate from works of fanfiction and have ‘definite ties’ to canon characters; this rule stands even in the case of consent being given from the present players of said canon characters. [ example : no long lost puppies of Scooby Doo. ]
- …Mary Sues of any shape or size.

We accept that a player should undertake ten characters unquestioningly; anything beyond that number, however, can only be applied under the following circumstances:
- you must have no inactivity issues;
- you can only apply one extra character every month;
- you lose this privilege if your characters end up on the inactivity list.


Activity Expectations

You are asked to post a minimum of two times a month, or else your character ends up on the inactivity post. If you'll be absent for a while, please declare your hiatus HERE; hiatuses automatically cover a month, but we accept neither hiatuses that are longer than a month, nor two /more hiatuses in succession.

Important: if you cover your activity quota in the last two successive days of the month? We'll unfortunately still have to put your character on the inactivity list.

The Inactivity list will be posted in the main polychromatic comm every month at the beginning of the month.

If your character is on the inactivity list, but you would like to keep them, please leave a comment stating in that month's inactivity post that you'd like to reclaim them and post three times with them for the subsequent month.

You have seven days to reclaim a character, so please think things through. If you know that the player of someone on the list is hiatus, please leave the posting mod a note on the thread. They will be sure to put a red mark by the username of every reclaimed char, and to delete the characters that don't belong there.

Go HERE for Inactivity Issues.


We allow hiatuses for as long as a one-month interval. While you may freely declare them at poly_extra, we ask that you necessarily make a note of your leave on the HIATUS POST, so that we take your hiatus into account during activity checks.


No Godmodding, no harassing. Details on gameplay standards and etiquette here. Play nice.

We ask that you contact a moderator both in the eventuality of all unpleasant circumstances, as well as in the case of your wanting to host an event or plot that affects a large group of players. [ For moderators’ contact details, go here ]

For problems of all variety, either contact a moderator, or leave a message at the PROBLEMS thread; any Questions can be referred for moderator perusal here.

For characterization offences [ OOCness, misconduct, etc ], refer to the Characterization Complaints threads for regular players [comments screened] or moderators.


The Curse and Events Calendar will be renewed at the beginning of every month, and can be found here. Feel free to propose an event or curse that you would like to see, but understand that the decision of it being carried out [either presently or at all] lies at moderators’ discretion.


You are expected to apply for membership at the polychromatic, poly_tldr and tampered communities, as well as post all the necessary information at the TAKEN LIST upon the approval of your character. Likewise, post with ‘ friend add [ character lj name ] ‘ to the ADD / REMOVE LIST .

When dropping a character, you are asked to please defriend the polychromatic community, post a ‘friend remove [ character lj name ] ‘ note to the ADD / REMOVE LIST along with the series the character is from; additionally, if you can, please delete your comment from the TAKEN LIST.


We encourage player-player discussions in the case of discontent, but will by and large intervene when so requested by one, or all parties. We prefer to deal with all those involved within the same messenger premise, but will also work individually, where no others choices present themselves.

Understand that game-related messenger conversations that are subjected to moderation are kept under mod supervision, and can at all times and in whatever measure be disclosed for public display.


Please be mindful of both the pictorial and written content of your posts. You are expected to post all disturbing, or highly rated material under lj-cuts, and to signal it accordingly.

The code for such cuts, for the unaware:



…somehow, it’s doubtful that you’ve not come upon or utilized them in your livejournal activity insofar, but an overview of the required HTML tags for…

p u r t y t h i n g s












a l i g n m e n t

ALIGNMENT | center:


ALIGNMENT | right:




ALIGNMENT | tab :: one line


ALIGNMENT | tab :: paragraphs


f o n t

FONT | size:


Note : default font size = 2. Lower / increase it at personal discretion, but be mindful that, depending on browser / font type, you might only be able to reach size 6.

FONT | colour:


Note: in the stead of tags, you can either use a set of predefined words [ red, orange, gold, teal, green, blue, grey, black, white, brown, yellow, silver, purple, pink ], or a far larger variety of hexadecimal codes.

FONT | type / face:


Feel free to pick something from your Word offered possibilities, but know that some fonts are not browser or livejournal supported, and will be reduced to either serif / arial / verdana, depending on lj or browser settings.

Unite / alternate code at will:


Further code for a variety of special characters / symbols can be found HERE.

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