(no subject)

Nov 27, 2005 10:13

HeY!!!! hehe. Last night i went ice skating with carolyn kim colleen mike evan jordan and nick. It was a lot of fun. i didnt fall cuz im a pro ice skater.. but CJ fell.. and so did mike. it was a good laugh.. so after ice skating mike evan and CJ came over and we had an intense game of ping pong. i think i did pretty good.. NOT im pretty terrible. then we played pool and my team lost. cuz we suck. good job evan! way to make us loose! so then we played air hockey. but the puck wouldnt stay on the flippin table. it was pretty redonkulous. so then mike and evan went home =[ and me and CJ wanted to watch finding nemo. that movie is rly cool but we got sick of it after we saw the part wit the scary sharks! AH ! so then we put in elf and that was a lot funnier. teehee. we had a good laugh.. so during the movie we went to get erins brothers lap top to talk and watch the movie at the same time. the font was too small for CJ's blind eyes to c so we had to enlarge our conversation. lol. i showed CJ AICHA from ebaumsworld. she didnt think it was funny, while i was sitting there peeing my pants. so aicha was over so we thought HEY lets go to bed. we were tired.. so we said our good night prayers and went to bed.

written by:CJ ... in erins point of view :)

LOVE YOU!!! <3

what the frig is this

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