My Day, Saturday!

May 09, 2009 23:21

As far as I can say, I think this is the most interesting entry I have ever written even no one reads them. I think I should promote this journal for more comments.

So, let's talk about my day, Saturday!

You all know that Saturday is the kind of day everyone sleeps in (if no one has any appointments for the day), a day of fun and to go out or even do your chores in the morning. I don't have any favorite days but in my opinion Saturday is magical, like something happens in an instant that you are not even planning on it!

So the usual Saturday has come. I woke up due to y dad's voice booming on my open door, fixed up my very messy bed, took one pillow and headed to the living room couch, lied down and sleep some more. (my dad calls it resting from sleep)

My mother is from the kitchen, and just dropped the newspaper on the dekstop computer. My dad is the first one to read, of course. Then me, because I am taking my MassComm sourse seriously. But honestly I don't read the news page just entertainment pages such as social and also, about celebreties and upcoming movies.

There is this section from the newspaper. It's for the "in" crowd section in my opinion. Mostly the columns are for teenagers. There is this one article that I read about a Tracy Borres being fried (yes, fried) by her own Alma Mater schoolmates. I read the article. The reason that she was being the talk of the Ateneo (great school) people is because of her blog entry in Facebook concerning her immersion for Theology classes in which they will go to the Aeta community and I guess to live with them or something.

She expressed her "mistakes" of being excited about the trip and it get worse. She started to tell how the people in the Aeta community never thought about family planning, even criticizing the food.

For most people, who have read her entry, it was "racist" and "disrespectful". I have a facebook account but I will ot read it for it will keep me from bashing someone. Anyways, the blog sounded like it was written by a spoiled brat who never experienced any kind of hardships because there is already a silver spoon in her mouth. I don't have anything against her but you also have to conside her inner rantings. She's not used to that kind of life.

The only mistake  she made is that she is not careful of writing. Internet is accessible to anyone and anyone can read it. She also reasoned that it was "dark rumor" still consider others.

Another interesting columns I have ever read is some disturbibg videon on YouTube. Taken by my own fellowmen, the Filipinos. The videos are about people of my country cussing words for all the world to know or hear. So here's the rundown of the videos and my reactions:

1. Citibank Scandal

The most disturbing of them all. It's about a raged woman who called the Citibank call center, ranting that she can't withdraw her money from the ATM. The call center agent is so nice that I pity him then the "Angry Woman" started cussing words calling him "bobo" which means in my national language "imbecile." She never gave the poor guy a chance to explain because "Angry Woman" is demanding to connect her to Citibank America!

Citibank America?! Are you demented?!

Then she started to scream some more, torturing the poor guy and she even exclaimed that she is not a Filipino and she disregards Philippines as her country!

It's in Filipino language so you guys wouldn't understand.

Ah. The typical Filipino getting angry.

2. Alabang Scandal

"Angry Woman" is back! Well, sort of. Reviewers from Youtube are commenting that she sounds like the woman from the Citibank scandal. Anyways this onw is much better, less disturbing and scary. Unlike the first video which is a sound recording this one is a video of the Assumed "Angry Woman" at a fastfood chain, screaming her lungs out, tormenting the manager of the joint, telling the security guard to "not touch her" and making the other customers look at her like she losing her mind and took a video of her.

She even threw a plastic bag. She even shouted that to "never touch her food!".

Anyways, Assumed "Angry Woman" is suffering from a worse case of PMS.

3. LRT Scandal

LRT is the on of the two railways here in the Philippines (the other oned is MRT; No time to discuss it's routes).

The video is about a mother who was screaming at the very quiet part of the train, trying to take out the inner parts of the guy's beside hers ears. She is also cussing.

Nothing wrong with this video but watch your behavior when it comes to crowded places. Also, she sounds like any other mom who nags too much.

I recommend you all to watch the videos even you don't understand the language.

Part Two comes tomorrow. And Yes! I am aware that tomorrow is Sunday but my dad suddenly appeared telling me to go to sleep.

Good night people! See you!


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