Friends Only Post

Jan 02, 2020 18:44

All stories are public, but my non-story posts are f-locked.  If you like my stories and would like to get to know me, drop me a comment on this post and I'll add you!  If you just add me without commenting here, nine times out of ten, I won't add you back.  I feel a little egotistical doing this, I mean it's not like my journal gets a lot of traffic and....sorry, sometimes I ramble.  The point is I just felt like doing it, and that way, I get to use a pretty banner!  Speaking of pretty banners, mine was made by princesslacus .  Everyone should check out this girl's page, it has some amazing icons and fanfics!  So, credit is given and now I will shut up!  Welcome to my page!

Peace, Love, and Happiness to You...Sarah

!friends-only post

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