Jun 08, 2007 09:49
The Grand Prix lineup has been announced, and at Skate America I get to see, among others...
Evan Lysacek
Ryan Bradley
Tanith Belbin and Ben Agosto
Meryl Davis and Charlie White
Kim Navarro and Brent Bommentre
Miki Ando
Emily Hughes (who would have thought she'd be on my OMG list?)
Caroline Zhang
Brooke Castile and Ben Okolski
Naomi Nari Nam and Themi Leftheris
Jessica Dube and Bryce Davison (OMG!! I had not even CONSIDERED that they might be there; I had just assumed that Skate Canada would be their first)
So yeah... October cannot get here soon enough. OMG.
miki ando,
figure skating,
evan lysacek,
skate america 2007,
ryan bradley,
grand prix,