Oct 01, 2006 19:05
So, life and school and everything has pretty much been business as usual. A few interesting things along the way, but nothing that I can think to write about right now, or things that have passed already and such. For the most part, though, I can say that I've been very happy lately. There are a few challenges- the main one is keeping to my diet, which I haven't been doing too well with, but on the other side of the coin, I've been keeping a great exercise schedule, which makes me feel good, even if my eating habits aren't as great as they were last semester (I'm still trying to improve them, though, of course). But anyway, I've just been really content... I've been keeping my room pretty much clean (and cleaning it successfully when it gets messy), doing all of my reading and homework, and am having a blast living next door to Amalia.
Also, I finally bit the bullet and ordered Proactiv. Yes, you can laugh about the contrived commerciality of my existence, because I'm laughing, too. :P I'd always been reluctant to do it just because of the money and whatnot, but I finally gave in, because I hate having bad skin. I don't talk about it much on here just because it really is the thing that I'm the most self-conscious about. But, I've been using Proactiv for about two and a half weeks now and my face is definitely getting smoother...it's still very far from perfect, but I think this stuff might work. The worst part is the mask that you're supposed to use two or three times a week, because it's made with sulfur, and then when I put the toner on afterwards, it creates a smell not unlike that of rotting eggs. Yuck. But if it works, I'll take it, because I feel like I'm getting a little old to be this concerned with acne.
Speaking of getting old... this is officially my last livejournal post as a teenager! In four and a half hours, I'll have been present in this world for two decades. It's very interesting to think about, because ever since I was four years old or so, I've always envisioned TWENTY as the age when you become an "adult." I'm not sure why I didn't pick 18 or 21- it was probably because at age 4, I had more understanding of number changes than of legality. I've just always had that image in my head though, and it's weird because tomorrow I won't be any different really than I am today, I've still got a ways to go before I'm completely an adult, all that kind of stuff. Still though, twenty! Yikes!
Alright, I still have reading and homework to do before attempting to get to sleep at a decent hour, so I'm out. :)