
Jun 19, 2014 15:52

I am quite stoned. I kind of wish  my old live journal buddies were still active on here. It would be cool to talk to them again. It has been SO long. Or at least it feels like that time of my life was a century ago. Wow. Anyway. I am quite stoned. I don't always get the time to toke and often when I finally do have the time I just am too tired and I know once I'm done being stoned I will be even more tired. I think that will probably happen to me today which is why I usually try to smoke at night but I figured what the hell why not. Things have felt difficult lately. Too difficult, emotionally. I guess I just wanted a break from reality for a bit. I feel myself trying to go into talking about my stupid shit but I just don't want to! I am so tired of talking about it. Why can't I stop talking about it? Shit. I know my husband is tired of hearing it. I'm tired of talking about it and hearing about it come from my mouth. Not much is going on eventfulness wise.. Maybe that's why I always talk about it.. Because I don't have a whole lot else to talk about. I love my daughter and my husband. I have recently started trying to listen to bands that I used to live on. Where does the time go? I used to be so into my bands and shows and all of that and when I go to look them all up they've come out with one thousand albums since I've last heard them. What happened!? I'll first start off with the songs I used to listen to.. And eventually try to get to the new stuff. I wish it was still cool to go to music stores and buy new CDs. My old friends and I used to go to (can't even remember the names!) and check out new bands, favorite bands. Listen to previews of CDs. I just miss that time cause although I do love the convenience of being able to buy music online and put it on an iPod, I love the actual CD!
I used to have multiple CD cases full. Shit, things change don't they? I have found a couple of really old friends that I shared this time with and used to go to all my shows with, they have changed so much too. I guess I can't complain or be surprised considering how much I have changed. I guess for some people, it's true, that you change a shit load in life. I wonder if I'll ever get a taste of those things again.  I know things are different but you know I've been to a show or two with my dad hanging out in the bar section since my friends and I needed to be 18 to get into the venue. Maybe my daughter will be like me and drag her mom to shows ;)
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