A bunch of
luvsheppy tweets (compiled by
ffergus )
*Paul Mcgillion I can outwrestle Momoa but Joe doesn't believe me
*David was standing next to Joe in his red shirt &talked abt how Joe looks all manly &he looks like a mime in his stripped shirt-XD
*Joe had Tim bits in his lap -they kept throwing it at each other--Someone picked it up & David said u could freeze it & sell it
*Then David asked how come Joe's wrist band went for way more $$$$ than anything-Joe said Flanigan snot
*They talked abt kids &David & Joe imitated their kids peeing-David said he goes everywhere even on his leg-I thought of Ryan:)
*David said when Joe & Jason flashed him their behinds-he couldn't decide who's black hole was bigger- then both said Jason
*He said Sarah's doing as well as can be expected- Joe is appreciative of the fan support
*Joe is one sick puppy :/ poor guy.
*Cold/Flu-coughing sneezing, runny eyes--You should see the bone sticking out of his shoulder...gotta hurt.:(
*David is nuts he is dancing all over the place---Joe wants them to settle & Paul is kissing them all!! #SGA I Miss u!!!
*Joe is eating a carrot
And some more:
nakedwesley Just saw Joe. He's got the scruff going on. I always forget how skinny he is.
nakedwesley he's really here. Not looking injured at all. Jeans, maroon shirt, north face jacket.
scoobykoo @
dhewlett says it's awkward answering my panel question cuz I was standing under huge banner of @
JoeFlanigan & I was right under his crotch
positiveliving: A man after my own heart, @
JoeFlanigan: "I'm so lazy I can't even carry anger very long."
kateanderson Class act, Joe Flanigan. Signing autographs with an injured shoulder until the bitter end!
hewlett-daily.livejournal.com/435163.html (David, David +Joe)
forum.gateworld.net/showthread.phpt.co/XIurxMq (WOW!)
forum.gateworld.net/showthread.phptwitpic.com/4m7h60yfrog.com/gzqi6bzjtwitpic.com/4mbmr2twitpic.com/4mjvl7twitpic.com/4mvtmatwitpic.com/4mwa0jtwitpic.com/4mxtcw nakedwesley.livejournal.com/173024.html nakedwesley.livejournal.com/173133.htmltwitpic.com/4mzo45twitpic.com/4mzuqbforum.gateworld.net/showthread.phptwitpic.com/4n99vftwitpic.com/4nb6z4 nakedwesley.livejournal.com/173711.htmltwitpic.com/4nlvrr pics.livejournal.com/ailurophile6/gallery/00068gk8 (HUNDREDS of pics there!!!!!)
twitpic.com/4nbdzctwitpic.com/4nbrpztwitpic.com/4nbs6xtwitpic.com/4nbtagtwitpic.com/4nbtvatwitpic.com/4nbu5otwitpic.com/4nbucqtwitpic.com/4nbzm3 nakedwesley.livejournal.com/174244.html twitpic.com/4pdnzeforum.gateworld.net/showthread.php Reports:
nakedwesley.livejournal.com/172529.html (Joe and David with PICTURES!!!)
nakedwesley.livejournal.com/172754.html (Joe and david with PICTURES!!!)
bit.ly/eT4GrP (VERY detailed report! )
forum.gateworld.net/showthread.php (short mention of what happened during the signing)
movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/JoeFlaniganOnline/message/15049 Videos: