Something new, anybody? :)

May 06, 2012 22:16

Something that I haven't seen before (and that's a pretty rare thing... :)

Originally found by the always lovely Thunk Sisters :) HERE

I'll finish watching LOST soon. I rewatched seasons 1-3. I stopped watching at some point in season 4 the first time round but this time I truly enjoyed it and the same goes for season 5. Season 6.... well, I'm not sure I REALLY like the direction they decided to go to with this show.... But it may all change, I've only watched 2 first episodes.... :)

Anyways, the point is that I'd like you to suggest me some other TV shows that I could enjoy watching. What are your favourite ones?
I LOVE Dexter, V, Breaking Bad, Six Feet Under.

Just no H50 - I tried the first six episodes and I absolutely can't stand this guy with a huge head... Danny, right? He truly puts me off. And the whole show is not really for me... I thought it would be, I kind of liked the first episode, but then.... it just went blah for me.

Any other suggestions?

joe flanigan, tv shows

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