November 2014 Haul - All the purple stuff

Dec 03, 2014 09:00

I probably should have posted this haul before the one yesterday (read here) as I got these items before my trip. The main item I was looking for was the NARS Audacious lipstick in Anna which was (probably still is) soldout everywhere. Whenever I don't get the item that I want, I overcompensate and that's mostly what happened with this haul.

Two of these items, you've already seen if you read my Anna Alternative post (read here). These are the NARS Sheer lipstick in Damage and the lip liner in El Agua. There's a also a purple theme happening in this haul because I also got the Revlon ColourStay Nail Envy in Up the Ante (I blame Essie Button) and a Sally Hansen Hard As Nails nail treatment because my nails break easily and I hate it. The random buy of the lot is this pink/purple hair color mascara. You apply on your hair for a temporary pink color. I haven't tried it yet but I want to use it for the upcoming holidays.

What items have you picked up lately?

hair chalk, haul, nars, revlon, sally hansen

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