Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
PSA: The World's Water Crisis
I don't want to sound preachy, but I would like to advocate for everyone to stop drinking bottled water.
Every bottle of water keeps less water in out water table, potentially adds to pollution and puts more money in the pockets of huge water corporations.
Did you know....
In some villages villagers are not allowed to collect rainwater? RAIN WATER!!! The water companies OWN the clouds?!?!
That some people are charged for simply turning their faucets on (EVEN IF NO WATER COMES OUT?!?!)
That in most of the world it is cheaper to buy coca-cola (in bottles) than it is to buy water (in bottles)? (i have had this confirmed by three of my international friends)
I think that as an American I am sheltered from a lot of the world's issues but this is one that I feel pretty strongly about.
Water is a necessity for all human life, and even those in third world countries deserve to drink water. I use an aluminum water bottle because i learned in chemistry class that Nalgene bottles can absorb bacteria and leech it back into the water.
Great Documentary:
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