Dec 18, 2009 21:20


A +++ Jed/Maurissa should write every episode of television ever. Eliza, Enver, Dichen, hell the whole cast was perfect. I have no complaints whatsoever. Amazing Television.
This is the way the show was meant to be made. I swear to god, if Glee wasn't on FOX i would quit watching the whole network. Yes I would give up Bones and Fringe for Dollhouse. David would understand he's worked with Joss. Hell Joss made David Boreanaz, and I'm not afraid to say it.

I don't understand why they don't just let Joss make the show the way he wants?

FOX: We'll renew for season 2... FOR BUDGET CUTS
Joss: Okay. I will make a shitty show then
Joss: Then let me end the show however I want.
FOX: FINE. WE ARE NOT GIVING U MOAR MONEYZ THO Joss: Okay. Good thing I have a brother and a sister-in-law that kick ass. And millions of fans all over the world. You know it's big businesses like you that I hate. Stifling creativity for profit margins, being all about the money. What about quality television? Imagination. Innovation. My vampire stake does not fit into your square hole and until asshats like you realize that nothing in Hollywood is ever going to change.
FOX: *iz asleep*
Joss: *silently hates them*
Joss:... (has left the room and is already planning Dr. Horrible 2)

I really want them to get renewed but it's too late I think. If another network would pick them up i would die from happiness. And i will be perfectly honest. I hated the first few episodes, because after watching Epitaph One, I couldn't stand this network mandated crap. Because Joss knows what he's doing. and when his show is getting sent down the crapper, he knows how to end it with a bang. Well, Joss' show lasted 2 seasons on FOX, that's a record. The WB had both shows for 5 seasons. AH.

joss, school of whedon graduate, david boreanaz, dollhouse, victor/sierra_ftw

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