Tenuous Trends Trigger Theories

Feb 20, 2005 18:41

OK, time for a GOOD post. You know the ones. The ones where you say all the mad stuff thats been going on in your life and then everyone can read it. Ok, well I dont know if my life can be considered mad but compared to going back to Uni the past couple of weeks will probably seem like Schoolies.

SCUBA Diving
ahah thats right... I am the SCUBA king! wooo
Last week I did a four day SCUBA course at Wollongong with Kathryn and Luke. Although it cost like $280 dollars or something I am Sooooooo very glad I did it. It was a great change of pace from what I had been up to for the last few weeks. It was fairly full on course, especially since we decided to cram the four day course into only 3 days. We started at eight each day and didnt leave until 4 - 6:30. I was pretty buggered at night but it was all good. Didnt stop me going out and seeing people. We spent most of the first day at the pool, getting familiar with the gear, how to use it, swim with it, get in and out of the water with it. THAT SHITS HEAVY!!! Oh man.. after a day of getting in and out of a pool with wet scuba gear which weighs about 40kgs I was ready top collapse by the time I got in the car.

The second day wasn't quite as tiring coz we spent a bit of time on the classroom doing theory, but it was definately more exciting because we got to do our first two real dives. We went to Wollongong Harbour. Breathing underwater was more difficult than I thought it would be because of the pressure on your chest but after a while I got used to it. The highlight of that day was my triumphant discovery of a golf ball on the bottom of the sea floor... the very same golf ball (I like to believe) as the one I lost in the ocean at Coledale! woo!

The third day composed of our final exam in the afternoon (which I blitzed!) and two more dives in the morning. These dives were something else! The water was so clear you could see for miles and the creatures were AMAZING! not like in the Harbour. For these dives we went to Bass Point at Shell Harbour. There were Gropers, worms, Old Wives, a million other types of fish and EELS. The eels were the best bit of that day. I was spotting them everywhere and then all of a sudden one poked its head out at me... I was all "hello". and then it started comign out futher, straight towards me. I slowly backed away but it kept coming at me, faster than I was moving back. Eventually it reached me, I had my arms outspread trying to keep away from it with out making big movements. Then it just started swimming around me real close. Apparently it was just curious and I even managed to feed it some fish... being careful of my fingers though!

Anyway now I have my Dive Certificate which lasts forever. Best Ever!
I might be going diving on at Cronulla on tuesday... we'll wait and see.

Uni goes back tomorrow which worst ever, mostly because my timetable consists of 11 hours spread out over 5 days. :(
Anyway, I am determined not to miss a single hour of Uni this year and I need everyone's help. That means no saying "aww come on, lets go to the beach, its only a lecture" NONE OF THAT!

Don't know whats happening tonight, maybe nothing, i guess thats alright. Hoping to go to the gym tomorrow at some point. Trying to get massive. It's all about the self improvement.

Can't think of anythign else to say even though I know theres more in there...

So Bye
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