Aug 30, 2004 01:30
It's almost 2 a.m and I'm sitting here thinking what do people really want with themselves, and what do people really expect from each other. The primal instinct of every animal is to survive, and by surviving they want to feel good about it. Every animal lives to eat, sleep, and reproduce, every which satisfies. Why do people, the most intelligent of the animals, always seem to find the best way to kill themselves inside, is that really the best means of survival? If you're hurt, why do you keep coming back to what hurts you, happiness doesn't always override what constantly makes you unhappy. They're there to make you happy, but spend their time figuring out new ways to show you the worst side of their personality, where you don't find yourself where you want to be, how you want to feel, satisfied hasn't made its way onto the list of things that you're feeling. Everyone still finds their way back to where they were once hurt, wondering if things would change when they know in the back of their minds, that it is how it is. Everyone is afraid to move on, nobody looks forward to change, but I think that if something changes, something better is waiting for you where you think everything is gone. Life ends when your body decides that it can't function any longer, and it can function as long as you push it to do so. People dwell in the past, when there's a future ahead of them, and we should all look ahead. Look ahead, and if you're with me you can hold on to me, if we get lost atleast we won't find ourselves by ourselves. Everyday something new happens, and everyday I feel happier, when everyday I try not to think about what has happened to me before, and I feel relieved. I've made plenty of mistakes, but everyone else around me has made as many, but who cares now, it doesn't matter now. What happened yesterday can't make you as happy as what is making your heart skip a beat now, and it doesn't take long to realize if someone is truly special, especially if they make you feel the same way. If everyone wants to feel good, why do people hesitate to feel that way? If we all live in a faulty environment full of hazards and obstacles, everyone trains themselves to become a seasoned athlete in the sport of living where it's a constant race, jumping over hurdles and running on a straightaway track, why would anyone try to run laps? You've seen it all before, you might as well run ahead, and see something new.
Uncharted territory is my favorite place to sit down and view the landscape, especially when I'm not alone.