toga man!

Apr 18, 2003 22:02

*dances around in my new and improved toga dress..thingy*
we MADE it..yeah thats right..with our bare hands. and now..i actually have to wear school.
and..i haf to wear *gulp* curlers. *shriek* THE HORROR!!!
hm. hm. hm. hm. hm.
well, my good friend or aquaintance..friend..whatever. NATE..he says that punk rock is homosexual..and i think he may be right. he says that the government makes it that way. but what about all the other shitty categories liike..pop? er punk POP ((does not know why there is even a category with "punk" and POP" in it)) OOOR..*cringe* COUNTRY. yick. what about those?!?!
oh! i got some good little tid bits that you should know...
-as my bath tub once told me...NEVER trust old men in white jackets.
-when you drink red bull it makes your burps at least three times louder
-they now have poop bags in the park
-don't listen to your computer when it speaks to you.
-don't try to do a cart-wheel..unless you are liscenced.
-never pick at you fingers or toes.
-never wear boxers to the super wal-mart.
-make sure an get consent from your mother before you steel the fake flowers off her fake tree.
-always keep an extra carmex with ALL times plus some tissues.
well ..thats all i can do fer ya now..but i PROMISE there will definatly be a lot more to come.
hehe..the cat is having fuin with the computer screen..woo..
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