Its that time of the year....the SEMESTERLY FINALS REPORT

Apr 28, 2005 16:31

Well, I have some work to do (namely, reading for ECON, and beginning to study for finals) but I just got back from my EU sucked hardcore. WORST. TEST. EVER. There wasn't one thing on that test that we had covered in class since the last test. I am pretty upset, only because that class was one of my guaranteed A's and now all of the sudden, I may be getting a B, because I also don't know how I did on the debate/paper, and that could be really bad as well....seeing as a lot of other people haven't done so hot, and he is taking off for the most obscure stuff....he sucks.

PSYC 405 is looking up now. I can turn in another extra credit thing. I don't know how I did on the paper, but I am hoping i did well......the prof said they were good. I desperately need an A in a PSYC class. PSYC 352, I have to get a 60/70 on the test to get an A...that is going to be a hard charging test.....cummulative, and the one i really really need to study for. to get a 100 to get an A (not going to happen, at least not likely)...and a 62 to keep my B. I think that's what I am shooting for.

KINE is over! WHOOP! I passed ;)

Finally POLS 328- low A right now, depends on how I do on the paper and the final...I probably need to study for that one as well...maybe an extra credit thing in there too...hmm....

Overall, best case scenario, I make a 3.8 (God that would be nice
........ worst case scenario...if you asked me before my EU test, a 3.2, but more than likely now, a 3.0:-\

So tonight, i think i'm more than likely just doing schoolwork/extra credit type crap is the suck.

I get free food next wednesday too...i'm going to a banquet...random...but ok :-p

God Bless and Gig 'em!


*also, you know summer is approaching when I post to LJ more...its rather funny. I think during the summer, I'm pretty regular with this contraption...hee hee
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