Fic: Rare and Precious Thing (1/1)

Sep 20, 2009 07:21

Title: Rare and Precious Thing
Author: Me
Fandom: G.I. Joe (movie-verse)
Pairing: Rex "The Doctor" Lewis/James McCullen
(a.k.a. Cobra Commander/Destro)
Rating: TA -- Totally Awesome (for explicit sexytimes)
Note: First completed and edited fic in four years? Oh man. Many thanks to beta, blackletter, who is completely responsible for this travesty so ( Read more... )

rex/mccullen, fic, gi joe fic

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Long comment is too long for LJ to take ladynyks September 23 2009, 16:37:11 UTC
"It's awesome finding someone else into this beautiful pairing. I think there were two of us before you read & commented."

Two? I should say rather more, but then I'm always open and into any pairing for any of my favourite figures, so in my case it's possibly more about being in the character slutting regions. Especially when before the movie I was afraid JGL wouldn't be able to pull the character off, and that the movie would be extremely bad. Which would have lead to nothing else ever surfacing in the Joe line of movies. As an old skool fan the movie proved delectable enough in its own ways, and while I'm not a natural shipper of any sort either, any pairing and fic will please me. These two seemed one of those to write (at least in the case of people with better than average tastes? ;) ) after the movie, or just in general given the characters histories and interactions elsewhere, too.

I found myself both snorting and being highly pleased to have been visible enough with my request for more Doctor to get a pimp for the pictures on my side, too, so thank you for those under this post's guise then. I'm glad to hear you're writing more and have more picture posts planned, since I would kill maim nanomite resort to lots of things for a few pictures of the Doctor unmasked (any quality is better than none at all) as well as Rex in his blue uniform. Zartan in the grey uniform leaning against the doorframe would be nice as well, but one must have priorities, or something.

It's unfortunate I can't get on chats of any sort to discuss the beauties of nanotechnology all things Cobra with you myself, but alas, have comments for my general approval instead then? The thing where our views of things slightly differ is that I figured he would be able to go on slightly longer without the breathing aid, if only to allow for eating better? If he says "We survived. Somewhat," it seems to me that he must have been able to get out of the bunker without suffocating, whether Dr. Mindbender helped on that front or not. I see it as more of an aid for maximum efficiency or benefits, and that he would survive on a much more incapacitated level of functioning without it. Say, the difference between getting out of breath and being practically unable to continue after a flight of stairs or walking around some base corners, the way some heart troubled people are before transplant operations. The difference between full functionality (if you'll pardon the phrase. Ahem. *waves to any resident gutter neighbours*) and being stuck in a wheelchair for getting around, something like that. Your version seemed likely to black out and then suffocate and die without the respirator, my view allows for more time off it, but not much more mobility perhaps? He had business to attend to when talking to Duke, why linger without the mask for longer just for the sake of it?

I also see the burns not covering the whole body, although am not an expert on burn victims and don't currently even remember what degree burns the Baroness suffered in the comic in the early days. They covered her all over though and she seemed too incapacitated to move much at all, so I would have imagined that whatever burns Rex suffered would not have hindered his getting out too much. Selectively more on the upper body?

I shouldn't be allowed in public posts or to discuss Cobra or Cobra Commander, that is. I did however greatly appreciate this post of yours, for both the sentiments in it and the tags. On that note, I've also stolen bits of your Sept. 7th, 2008 post for my side.


Long comment is long, says LJ bernie_laraemie September 23 2009, 17:07:10 UTC
Ah, I am certain there are many fans and many would-be fans of this pairing, made hard to find by both GI Joe's lack of presence on Livejournal and the poor reception of the film. I am glad that you have found my post, however.

I have a few of him un-wigged and one of him unmasked, and I will do what I can to get some of Zartan. The source of them fuzzes out in places and so it's not possible to get a cap in some places, but I will see what I can do.

As for how long he would survive without the ventilator, this story was meant to go along with the longer one I am planning. I think he can survive a few minutes without it--the story did not specify how long he was kissing McCullen for, and also the apprehension and excitement of sex, along with the fact his mouth was more occupied with kissing than breathing, also shortened that ability.

It's something of a spoiler for the story, so I will say that his dependency on the ventilator is not entirely the direct fault of the fire, just mostly so.

As for his burns, he is probably covered in them. Even if his entire body wasn't burned, he would have scars and problems everywhere, as healthy skin would be harvested for grafts, along with whatever advances have been made. I spent a year researching burn injury for another story, and the media's presentation of burn victims puts forth an unrealistic model of recovery--most victims of severe burns never look anything near what they used to. If he was in a bad fire, and the white hue of his skin all over his head suggests that he was, he healed beautifully and had an amazing recovery. I tried to present in the story that he is covered in extensive burns, but that there are areas on him that still retain his original skin, though if used for harvesting for grafts it would also be thin and still healing.

Post all you like! Comments are what make LiveJournal what is! It was wonderful to hear from you.


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