Older Compositions

Apr 09, 2008 00:51

So I was digging through some old files, and I found some stuff I'd written, and I'd thought I'd share. They are all midi files, so excuse the poor quality.

Stuff With Melodies

Heart the Nearest

LOL, and title was from before "heart" was a verb. The melody is repetitive, but my favourite part of this song is the guitar and base background. And how it can't decide if it really, really wants to be emo.


This one has to be my favourite.

The Ballad of Captain Combusto/Requiem For a Microwave

I once spent half a year writing a composition for Concert Band. Carefully constructing each part to be melodic, to have flow, to not be too difficult for beginning musicians. Lovingly crafting each harmony, hearing how they played together, constantly rewriting, checking each musician to ensure they didn't wait to long or had too much demanded of them. And do people request that file?

Nope! They want the one about that time the microwave blew up that I wrote in about five minutes.


This one was way more emo when it was on the organ and violin. I toned down the emo, but it's still rather depressing. Also, needs fewer chords.

Stayed Away

This was my attempt at writing a classically based piece. It could use a stronger melody.

All Well And Good

An attempt at writing something more rock than musical crying, also known as seriously emo. This one is sort of Depeche Mode, sort of James Bond, and I'm rather fond of it--possibly because it's one of my first compositions to be around three minutes long! Instead of, you, MacArthur Parkian levels of Epic.

Songs I Arranged

Bohemian Bluegrass

So we had a school project where all the music had to be from the twenties. I decided it needed some Queen, so I arranged Bohemian Rhapsody in the style of Bluegrass. No one even noticed, so I win.

Songs In Various States of Incompleteness

Alone in the Dark

Not finished, but it has some interesting interplays between the keys and melodies, though it seems to go on forever.


Well, more interesting chords with no melody. I should do something about that.

Grave Digger

This one had the benefit of being written for an actual band, but suffers in that, while it has a melody, it was never tabulated.


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