Jun 26, 2005 02:48
I have been waiting 5 long damned years for Land of the Dead to come out.
(ever since i saw Day, and heard rumors of another work of grotesque metaphorical art from the king of undead cinema.)
And yes, i was worried from some reviews from people saying it was Matrix/resident evil-ish)
considering i have the RE flicks, and the fact that Romero's movies arent mindless zombie carnage, and i hate loathe and despise unnecisary (sp?) CGI.
no...i hate cgi in general...it should only be used when necesary (sp again...im stupid, and tired)
but George pulled through.
he is still my idol...though we wont mention Season of the Witch here...(shudder)
Land of the Dead blew my mind.
it was the perfect movie for me.
can you think of another movie, that can
a. make you think about politics, social standards, close mindedness, racism, the homeless problem, and the way our country treats other countries
b. give you edge-of your seat intensity.
c. give you generous helpings of gory mayhem
d. and have you literally jumping out of your seat with joy (but instead throwing your fists in the air, and giving out a barbaric bellowing holler) when awesome things happen...such as Tom Savini's beautiful cameeo as Blade from the Original Dawn of the Dead...machete still intact...and the zombie cooks awesome grenade kill
e. make you feel for both the charachters, and THE ZOMBIES as well! (even changing my mind on the whole, wanting mindless zombie slaughter)
f. gives you and a friend over a day of nonstop discussion over the social commentery by Romero.
g. after you saw it in the morning, and nonstop talked about it all day, decide to go see the 11:50 show in another city when it isnt showing in the one your at...then discussing it most of the night over.
I loved every second of it!
and when Big Daddy Zombie got his hands on a gun...the smile just got bigger, and bigger.
your Dawn of the Dead remake can kiss my ass...cause it will never get anywhere near to how badass Land of the Dead was. mainstream cinema...aspiring zombie film makers...go learn how its fucking done.
"Zombies man...they creep me out"