May 13, 2008 08:48
As I was working at my desk at home my 3 yr old niece was sitting at her desk working on a craft project I had set up for her. She decided she had had enough of playing by herself and wanted me to come over and do the craft with her. She kept telling me to come to the art desk, come to the art desk. Finally I stopped what I was doing and the following conversation took place:
Me: "T, I can't play with you right now. Auntie has to work."
T: 'Auntie you can work later."
Me: "No, I can't, sweetie girl. Auntie has to work to pay for your school and for camp for you for the summer."
Without missing a beat she responds, "And don't forget Disney for my birthday, Auntie."
She is a riot. (and yes, I did wind up helping with the craft. We made a bug out of paper plates stapled together).