I just wanted to mention a thing or two... The blacks who voted for Biden on Super-Tuesday tended to be older people. Bernie is still attracting younger people in general, including younger blacks. However, he has been faltering on that front this time around, a little bit. AND, I've got a theory... There is another reason why not a lot of younger people turned out for Bernie on Super-Tuesday, thus securing him the lead. Fear of Coronavirus, (COVID-19). I think younger people are more aware of the risk of contracting that virus, by pulling levers and pushing buttons that hundreds or thousands of other people have touched. "Fear," (or sense), kept them away from the polls. However, another kind of fear may have helped older people in the South turn out for Biden, a little. Fear of socialism, fear of Trump (a la Bloomberg's commercials), and fear of tornadoes... What?! This may sound ridiculous, but I have seen this before. When a tragedy hits, or more specifically after it hits - or if there's shitty weather - people tend to vote against risk. Sanders is a "risk", and Biden is status quo. As far as the virus goes, I don't think people down south have woken up to that yet. And, as I recently posted, NPR's airing of pro-Biden, anti-Sanders talking heads, (including Hillary Clinton), also did not help at all. Neither did the support of several other politicians. See also:
Why a lot of black Southern voters will never vote for Bernie. Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Policy Would Likely Increase Wages and Create Jobs, New Economic Analysis Shows