News Roundup: January 20. Topic: Bernie Sanders

Jan 20, 2016 12:06

Video from Rachel Maddow's January 19 show. Ten Minutes with Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders ready for more debates, DNC sanctioned or not

From NBC News
First Read: It's Panic Mode for the Democratic Establishment

From People Magazine, article with video
Bernie Sanders Does His Own Laundry (and Grocery Shopping): Inside the Family Life of the Down-to-Earth Democratic Candidate

The Wall Street Journal rolls out an article featuring that scary word "socialism"
Taking Sanders Seriously. The socialist beats Trump by 15 points in one recent survey.

Can we say "surge?" The Dem establishment is in panic mode. The WSJ cries "Socialist." And People magazine shows the grandkid pics.

wsj, rachel maddow, people magazine, democratic establishment, news

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