Sorry for not uploading anything for a while, I have been doing stuff but it has mostly been shit (as you will see) or for the collaboration (or both! yay!). I'm back at uni on Monday and I think I might just explode with excitement!
Anyway, drawings! Since that's all you are here for:
Whoa these were way smaller when I drew them. Too high-res. Meh, too lazy to fix them. Incidentally, this was drawn whilst listening to 'The International Society of Bad Dancers' by Jackson Jackson (if you don't know them, you might at least know the front-man, he's Harry Angus from the Cat Empire).
Sea witch. This is the kind of hat REAL witches wear.
This started as a cat. I am not sure what happened.
Okay, to be fair, I drew these crows a while ago. But I likes them, so look at them anyway.
This was drawn in one of my less-sane moments. I thought it would be fun to re-draw scenes from movies, but making all the characters obese, because they are usually so not. But then I felt kinda stupid, so I haven't really done any more.
Also, I just discovered an adorable new webcomic. Okay, saying adorable might put some of you off, it is very cool and well worth a looksie, it's called
Tiny Kitten Teeth and it's not as girly as I'm making it sound.
Man, I really need to start drawing proper drawings. I can't seem to focus on a drawing for more than about two minutes though, so I rarely do backgrounds.
P.S. How does one do a "cut" so that some of the message is hidden unless you click on the thing?