
Nov 17, 2010 22:48

The Rules: Don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen authors (poets included) who have influenced you and will always stick with you. List the first 15 you can recall in no more than 15 minutes, and they don’t have to be listed in order of relevance to you.

I’ve included essayists and lyricists, too. This is really hard without having my bookshelf in front of me!

1. Italo Calvino
2. Kate Atkinson
3. Cormac McCarthy
4. J. K. Rowling
5. William Carlos Williams
6. Roland Barthes
7. Jeanette Winterson
8. Angela Carter
8. Carol Ann Duffy
9. George Mackay Brown
10. Ian McEwan
11. George Harrison/Paul McCartney/John Lennon (heh, is that cheating?)
12. Brian Jacques
13. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
14. Beatrix Potter
15. Robin Pecknold (Fleet Foxes)

Originally published at Eastern Glow | Calligraphilia. You can comment here or there.

meme, literature

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