
Feb 15, 2010 21:11

BBC Radio 4 are have made available their American Authors Collection. “To tie in with Mark Lawson’s landmark Capturing America series, Front Row presents author interviews recorded between 1998 and 2009.” Including Don DeLillo, Toni Morrison, Walter Mosley, Philip Roth… Man, I wish this had been available while I was doing my degree.

Zoe Saldana: a selective filmography picspam. *admires*

The UK season five premiere of Supernatural has been treated to some inspired advertising from the Living team. Someone goes around putting rings of salt around bemused Londoners. Tear-out pentagrams in the Metro. The Marble Arch crumbles. And my favourite: bus stops actually filled with ‘holy water’. “In case of demons, break glass.” Hee!

SPN fic rec: Now Wait for Last Year, by kellifer_fic . Gen. AU. “Dean was made to be a Big Brother, he just wasn’t made to last.” My heart went CRACK when I read this. This sequel’s even more bittersweet than the first.

RPS fic rec: And behind this door…, by indysaur . “A love story based on Pixar’s Monsters Inc.” Another bittersweet one, but there’s a happy ending, I promise.

Originally published at Eastern Glow/Calligraphilia. You can comment here or there.

supernatural, zoe saldana, rpf, recs, literature

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