supernatural 3.16

May 17, 2008 13:26

- What I love: "The road so far..."
What I don't love: The Gossip Girl finale ad stamped in the bottom right corner. So. Annoying.

- Our programme is generally pretty amazing with continuity. I appreciate this.

- Carry On Wayward Son! Happiness! I had a horrible feeling that Kripke might choose a different song for the catch up vid, but my faith is restored. I remember that seeing this for the first time in the season one finale made me cry so hard. This is the official unofficial theme song of SPN. It's familiar and still a little gut-wrenching and so, so perfect.

- *wince* I don't like the hellhound-cam. Although it did grow on me on second watching.

- I like how Dean running through the woods echoes the forest wallpaper in that corridor in Dream a Little Dream of Me.

- That awesome demon-finder thing looks like it belongs in Albus Dumbledore's office. Something you want to tell us, Bobby?

- Dean's voice actually sounds hoarse from shouting. <33

- I love love love the parallels of Sam summoning Ruby with John summoning the YED in In My Time of Dying. Also, Jared's delivery of the Latin in that scene is gorgeously done. Sam sounds so tired, so done.

- Of course Lilith's shore leave involves a sliced up nanny, chocolate cake and a table full of sweets. I bet Jared ate at least half that spread, all by himself.

- I am so glad the writers are acknowledging Sam's "psychic crap" again. It better feature heavily in season four.

- Dean: "Hell, she probably wants you to become her anti-christ superstar." Hee! Funniest line!

- I liked the Dean/Ruby fight. It was a long time coming.

- "Sam, you wanted the knife, I got you the knife." God, I bet Dean said something like this to Sam so many times in their childhood. He sounds so tired.

- Dean echoing the Trickster about nothing good coming out of them constantly sacrificing themselves for each other was a bit creepy. I would have liked more of a reaction from Sam, especially considering the events of Mystery Spot. I adore that the piano score in that scene is the same as the John-and-Dean's-last-moments-together music in In My Time of Dying. It makes me go all wibbly! It's especially poignant with Dean telling Sam to remember what John taught them.

- Dean: "We stop spreading it for demons." *cough*

- Dean: "I totally rehearsed that speech, too." Hee, boys!

- I like the possessed girl when she edges down out of OTT-ness. She's creepy and very, very wrong.

- Dean: "If this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward." *g* Then the singing, oh God. It made me cringe and laugh all at once! I'm so glad they managed to fit Dead or Alive in somewhere this season. I love Sam's little reluctant face and Dean singing so loud and obnoxiously because he's SO SCARED. And they've obviously done this before.

- The boys are so smooth when pulled over by the cop. Happen a lot? It's awesome that Dean uses the Impala's door to take the cop out. She's a fighter, too! (I like to think she slammed her door open of her own accord. Dean just happened to have his hand on the handle.)

- That gloopy sound as Sam pulls the knife out of the neighbour's chest. Nice!

- Holy water sprinklers: ridiculous and brilliant, all at once.

- Dean slinging the dad over his shoulder. *sigh* He would make such a good fireman.

- I love Sam and Dean shoving each other when Sam decides he wants to use his powers. They're such brothers.

- Dean's face when the clock strikes midnight. (*resists making Cinderella comment*) That extreme close-up shows what a gorgeous, nuanced actor Jensen is. And Saaaaam. :(

- I really like that they all run from the hellhound. Yeah, they know they can't escape it, but it's instinct. Got to go down swingin', etc.

- Dean sprawled out on the table. YUM.

- Katie Cassidy's good in this scene. Her sudden switch to Lilith was creepy and horrible.

- Sam screaming! Dean screaming! This is so viscerally horrific -- as it should be. I'm so happy Kripke got away with so much gore.

- It would have felt like such a cop-out if Dean hadn't gone to Hell. This is satisfying and horrifying and exactly what the whole of series three has been building to. Also, I didn't catch the meathooks in Dean the first time. UGH.

So. Lilith's still out there. When Sam gets Dean back, he's going to be either a little bit demonic or very broken. I like that I don't know which way Kripke's going to go with it. Sam'll be Mystery Spot crazy, perhaps? But with psychic powers?

We have so much to look forward to. The end of season two felt too rounded off because Kripke wasn't sure of renewal. This is great. It's painful and open-ended and guh. I'm happy.

spn: no rest for the wicked, spn: review

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