Sep 04, 2005 14:58
ok yesterday was a fucking amazing night...
It started with me and Doug going to the grocery store to buy food to bring to Natalies Apartment. We bought eggs, bacon, cheese, chips. So we drove up to Guelph to her place and we had our white T shirts on. the people there were Nat, Jenkins, and scott.
White T Shirts:
The purpose of these are simple. We have markers attached to us and ppl can write watever they want on the shirt. So when we got there we just wrote some stuff on each other to get it started. Everyone but Jenkins had shirts to write on. some stuff.
At The Apartment:
We ate pasta for dinner and drank. Me and doug started out with drinking almost 1/2 of his 40 of rum. We did like 10 jello shooters. We sang music and acted stupid. Doug and I started playing a game we invented where we throw tostitos off the 14th floor balcony and try to land it in the garbage or on a car...that proved to be really hard and we never did. A couple girls were walking at the bottom so I yelled stuff at them. I think I yelled "HEY, WE ARE ALL HAVING TONS OF SEX UP HERE" and some more stuff. So later doug says theres some girls on a balcony talking to him. I go out and start yelling at them "Hey, its the 14th floor fuck fest up here woooooo" thing we know a couple girls show up at the apartment. Natalie and her roomate didnt really want them to come in but they did. We talked to them for a lil bit as we drank and they wrote shit on our shirts. Then Matt and Kim arrived so we left.
The Country Ranch:
We arrive at the club with our shirts covered in some writing and cowboy hats on and jeans. The second we walked in a bunch of girls walked up to us and wanted to write stuff on our shirts. So we go to the dance floor and do some fuckin wild country dancing. We ended up meeting like everyone there and it was amazing. We got some girls to write stuff on other ppl as well. I tried to walk through the crowd on the dance floor to the other side and it took like 30 minutes cause I was mobbed by a group of girls who were all over me...that was all fine and dandy and I eventually made it to the other side. There was a singer singing live that night as well as a DJ. Doug got to go on stage and rock out with the band and the singer signed his shirt. Then girls were all over him once he got off the stage but we had to leave because Nat wasnt feeling to good. So we had an awesome time at the bar.
Back at the Apartment:
When we got back Nat and scott started argueing drunk in there room so we all just decided to give them space and walk around outside. We ended up at this pizza place and the guy gave us a free pizza...OMG it was freakin amazing!! So we ate that and orgasmed a million times then went back to apartment. Things settled down and we just chilled and talked and drank more. I was really tired from like 1 hours sleep night before so around 330 I was nodding off. I woke up at 6ish on the couch with kim and rolled off onto the floor and layed there for a bit. Then I got up and sat in the comfy chair thing and started saying "outstanding" to doug until he woke up. It was like 730 at that time and he told me i'm an idiot and went to sleep. So I went back to sleep until 10 and doug and I were reading the shirts because we hadnt read what ppl wrote on it yet. We were laughing so hard everyone woke up and yelled at us. Then we watched my movie "Dream Come True" and ate bacon and toast.
Stuff written on my shirt:
I will attach a picture when I get a camera, but some of the things written on mine include:
you are soooo HOT!
VAGINA INSPECTOR (with a picture of a vagina)
Suck My Cock...I have VD ( and below that ) ... I Have and it was GOOD!
I love you
Boys in Hats are sexy
I love porcupines
Call Me Sexy
Hit that shit
Ur a gay fuck
Enter here (with arrow pointing down to my ass)
Suck my left tit
Why wear pants when you've got boxers on
The gun show (with arrows pointing to my skinny arms which are suppose to be guns)
Coming Home:
We left around 2ish I guess and dropped off matt and Kim at there place in guelph. They showed us around. On drive home I had the aviators on and we sang music like: save a horse ride a cowboy, I'd Do Anything For Love, Mony Mony, wild thing, Raise a little hell, Baby Got Back. Good times!
Street party. Last year I had to carry blair home and he puked his guts out and I almost did. Should be fucking awesome times...hopefully I can drink after last night cause I'm feeling the pain now