May 20, 2009 22:17
What's more frustrating: Doing something you aren't crazy about, or feeling lied to?
I feel like my boss is always "tricking" me. Stringing me along and making it sound like I am doing something "so cool." He sometimes flatters me in front of the group of 20-ish people, and that used to make my day. Now it just makes me skeptical. Today I was short and snappy. He tricked me again. He is having me do this horrible project - a doctor sent me 78 emails over the past two weeks of what he wants changed on his website, and they are just a mess, and I have to sort them out and figure out each one. I asked if we could have the Edits Team work on it (they do this stuff all the time), and he said, "They only do work that is billable hours." And I didn't know what to say. After he walked away, I realized it WAS billable hours, just in a different way! GRRR!
That's how it is. It's all so tricky and I can never put together the right phrases till it's too late.
Want another example? I do a lot of admin work. I want to be a project manager. I said, "Why don't we hire an admin instead of a project manager? I am perfectly capable of doing PM, and we can get an admin much easier." His response: "It makes sense. I love your spark and feedback." (A perfect way to avoid promising me anything.)
And... If you look me up to send me an email, it says "Junior Web Design Coordinator" next to my name. What's more insulting? "Junior?" or the web design coordinating part, because I am actually not doing that.
But to answer my first question, it's the trickiness that makes me the most upset.