Okay, I'm serious about this...

Apr 11, 2005 11:59

I've given up smoking, I've started up my own Kleeneze business, I've booked the Harbourmaster's Cottage in Greenwich, and now I have officially started training for the 2006 London Marathon! The weather here is unusual sunny for Scotland, and gives me the opportunity to go running with Lucky. Honestly, our dog has never been so fit!

Had a great time in London weekend 1st - 3rd April, and meeting Jonathan Frakes (aka Riker ST:TNG) and Brent Spiner (aka Data ST:TNG) was fantastic! It was hot there too - I got a suntan wandering around kensington Gardens and Hyde Park.

Still got my job at the charity shop and the pc shop. Lots of work = less craving for a ciggie! And anything that helps THAT is most welcome!

I'll be posting more often now, so feel free to visit again, oh faithful reader!
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