Yea so I haven’t posted in like forever nor have I really been paying attention to other peoples posts. Sorry folks. Anyways here’s a lil update fer ya, in no particular order:
I reapplied to Bucknell and was accepted so I will be going back to finish my BS in Mechanical Engineering in January. I have about 2 years left and after that I’m not really sure what I will do. Depending on how those 2 years go I might apply for grad school somewhere to get my masters, but again that’s all up in the air.
I still live with Heidi in good ol Palmyra. Yea lil town of nowhere right next to Hershey! It’s super fun. Lots of gayness and drunken endeavors. I’m really gonna miss living here when I have to move back to Lewisburg =(
Hmmmm lets see…. What else…. Oh about a month ago I had a mental breakdown cause my meds were out of whack. Yea that was great. Gotta love depression. I’m still on the climb back up but it’s getting better.
Work has been pretty decent. I almost got my dumb ass fired because I’m awesome and get depressed and don’t feel like getting up in the morning but I’m on second shift now and its going well. I have come to the realization that I’m damn good at what I do however comma I def don’t want to be doing it the rest of my life, thus the going back to school plan.
Hockey season ended in March ish with me unexpectedly landing myself in the hospital with appendicitis only AFTER blowing my knee out right before playoffs. Yea that was SUPER exciting. Holy worst pain ever batman. That’s all I have to say about that. Since then I’ve been playing rugby with the Harrisburg Harlots women’s rugby team and in the most recent weeks I’ve been helping Heidi’s football team out. They had a lot of injuries which compromised their season. I was all about helping out there. I freakin LOVE football. Heh and it just so happens this fat kid is very good at it =)
I blew the transmission in my new truck about a month ago and have been saving money to fix that.
Dum de dum da dum…..
Still single and loving/hating it. I’m so freakin emo when it comes to girls. Sometimes I feel like I should either go back to being straight or be celibate for the rest of my life. And then I snap out of my delirium and realize I’m super freakin gay and I would love having a gf. Just waiting for the right one and the right time. It’ll happen eventually, not worried about it.
I’ve also come to the decision that I’m trans. I don’t want to be a boy but I’m def not a girl. So I guess I’m a genderfuck. It hasn’t really started affecting my daily life but I’m sure it will once people start to know about it. The people I see on a daily basis and my friends all know I’m no typical woman, but they prolly have no clue how I feel about my sexual identify. That’s mostly due to the fact that I don’t bring much attention to it. I could go off on a 2 page rant but I’m not cause I still haven’t deciphered all of my feelings on this topic. That and I doubt all of you want to read all that crap, heh =)
Oooooo My roomie and some of our other friends started a drag king group. The Steel Brothers. We are such freakin hotties I swear to all that’s holy. Check us out on myspace:
Steel Inc. We perform mostly at the Pink Lizard in Harrisburg, but we are trying to get shows at Stonewall in Allentown and elsewhere. We will be performing at Harrisburg pride so if yer in the area or even if yer not you should get yer ass to Harrisburg for
PrideFest. Its not as big as philly or other cities but its fun none-the-less. As soon as I know exactly what time I will make another post on here or Myspace.
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts didilydee…
Ya know writing this update makes me realize how bad I am at this shit. At both writing in general and trying to dictate the most recent events in my life. I think I’m gonna stick to doing thermodynamics and building things. Yup.
Anyways kiddies I am off to chill with the roomie and get some Z’s before work tomorrow. I shall check you all lata. Much love to you all.
- Kaden