
Jul 10, 2005 17:00

alright so i feel like shit.i have:
pink eyes
problems under my left rib cage
rash all over my body
bleeding gums
my back hurts
and i'm just bitchy
looks like mono to me ?? maybe i hope not. I GUESS THAT'S WHAT I GET FOR DRINKING OUT OF SOMEONES STRAW.haha.hey i miss david, he's going to like north carolina and cooperstown soon...that is if he's not sick too P-) which i hope he isnt. so i got home from embers today and i'm still in my pajamas- i'm so lazy. i had a gooood time and now i have nothing to do but play neopets and play with my kitty, Angle. i'm listening to music and i'm just bored for like the 48th time. Ms. Hilerina is one hella cool kiddie. i hope no one reads this damn jounral. i just need something to bitch to every day or 20. i can't wait to meet greger and hilerina at the "fiesta." tis going to be a lot of fun. i'm thinking about selling all my phillies shit on e-bay. i wonder when i'm going to get my job? why do I always get sick? it's pretty much not fair..

reminder: if you're going to bitch about this, or me, or anything- put your name. thanks

can't wait for ember&valers b day bash--5 days
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