Mar 09, 2006 16:01
This week on MTV's Best Week Ever:
Andrew Buttram is having the best week ever. Let me tell you why:
* He got a 95 on a calculus test.
* He got an 84 on a cell biology test where the class average was a 44.
* Some random girl told him that he has the sweetest, most genuine smile that she's ever seen from a stranger.
* Some other random girl complimented his get-up.
* He only has one class on Friday.
* He is done with braces, DONE with them.
* He turned 19.
* He gets to see lots of his favorite people next week.
* He may get to see the president speak next week.
* He's going clubbing tonight.
* He is researching going to France next year.
And nothing anyone has done or said can change Andrew Buttram's best week ever!
+3rd person