It all started with
lavvyan's Cheshire Cat tiny!icon for her new layout.
followed, and then I was bored today. Beware of bored!B79s! You might say B79 is always bored. You'd be wrong. It usually only happens at work.
Today I made these:
ETA: Found this awesome generator. It generates the code you need to switch yout different tiny!icons (user, community,...) to the pics of your choice. You don't have to do anything! Well, almost ;)
=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=
The wonderful
verizonhorizon posted the code to change entry header ornaments you can find in most S2 Expressive themes ib
this comment. Thank you!
If someone knows how to change the community icons to something different than the user icons, I'd be grateful for any hints or links or uh, something.
Comment (Optional. I'd love to read what you think, though.) & Credit (Not Optional) if taking :)
If you'd like an icon that's up there, comment and I'll see what I can do.