enriched with VITAMIN E

Jun 21, 2007 14:25

I keep trying to drink cocoa butter, thinking it's my coffee. It's really pissing me off.

Livejournal I'm sorry.. I used to be such a faithful user, I think I have become disillusioned with the fact that I'm no longer a livejournal queen, as I was a few years ago. I've been reading my journals from when I was 15-17, I am actually jealous of myself from that era (not because I was livejournal cool). It seems like I had so much fun, and now I am fraught with responsibility and it's no longer where is my next stick coming from, but more where is my next meal coming from.. Putting it that way makes it sound rather dramatic, doesn't it.
Okay so it's not that bad, but it made me sad. Even though every 2nd or 3rd entry was about how much I hated my parents or how much I love Trent fucking Reznor. Gaahh.. what the fuck happened? Oh well.

So I've finished uni for another semester! Fuck yes. I have done absolutely nothing for the past week. Well, that's a lie.. Seen various people, gotten extremely drunk, managed to catch up with my lovely Heather, finafuckingly. Not worked though, which I'm not sure is good or bad. It will be a poor one again, next week. I've done well though! Been stingy. Can't wait for the cashflow, ooooh yeah.

Please please please please someone give me $1000 to get to All Tomorrow's Parties in December, I'll love you FOREVER I FUCKING SWEAR
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