(no subject)

Jun 25, 2006 00:56

I'm so tired of seeing soccer fans bawling their eyes out over Sweden's loss in the World Cup. I mean honestly, its a game. It's soccer. If you're going to collapse into a heap of sobbing misery then find a valid reason to do so. Here's a short list that I've compiled of legitimate reasons to make a person break down, wring their hands and scream.

1. There is an illegal war going on in the middle east, leaving a great many people dead or completely destroyed. Mothers, children, husbands, brothers and whole families are being annihilated, not to mention a great many soldiers who either entered the military in the hopes of being able to scrape together enough cash to somehow escape the black-hole of poverty through army-paid education, or have a blind sense of patriotic faith in their corrupt and immoral government.

2. According to Time magazine The International Rescue Committee estimates that 1,250 Congolese people die every single day from war related causes. Since 1998 over 4 million people have been killed there and it still remains to be one of the most unreported events of our time.

3. In America we have a fascist criminal sitting in the White House. His war alone has already killed 2516 American soldiers and left 18356 wounded. Though his approval ratings are falling more than one third of the country thinks he's doing a good job!

4. South Carolina representative Ralph Davenport is trying to pass a bill banning the sale of sex toys in the state, making the penalty for such a sale a felony!

That's all that I can come up with at the moment, and if I thought harder about it I'm sure I could easily knock off ten or fifteen more. My point is, when will the world put as much energy and emotion into what's happening in the world, as it does into what happens on a soccer field?
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