The news according to me

Mar 25, 2006 21:45

The news is beginning to frighten me again.

In the USA we have a bill in the works that would make it a high crime to aid, house, employ or otherwise assist a known "illegal immigrant". This makes me sick. This makes me physically ill. Have we not demonized and dehumanized this poor, sad, and utterly unprotected and exploited group of people? Don't they have enough to worry about, while us well-to-do, middle class white folk sit around and think of ways to make their already sad and tired lives even more awful?
Seriously, how many jobs have you applied for that have been given away to an unskilled immigrant? I would guess none. And if you have lost your job to an unskilled, illegal immigrant, then you're trash anyway. These people have no rights, they have no protection, they work the worst jobs for pretty much no pay, they are exploited at every opportunity, they are usually without the support of their families and friends, have no access to health care, insurance or education. Not to mention the fact that many of them are actively recruited and bussed to places like Iowa and Nebraska to work for pennies for the very wealthy and largely unregulated meat-packing plants, where they work ungodly hours in often times extremely dangerous and detrimental positions for laughable wages. No minimum wage laws protect them, no workers compensation, no vacation. They are at the complete and utter mercy of their "employers". This is the modern day slave trade, and its happening right here and right now. And here we sit, us comfortable, well off and privileged white, middle class Americans, pushing the native Americans deeper into their dumpy and over-crowded reservations, screaming at the top of our lungs that "the boat is full". How's that for hypocrisy?

To top it all off what is this term "illegal immigrant"? How can a person be illegal? Actions can be illegal, things can be considered illegal, but people?? How is that even possible? Worse yet is "illegal alien".

This is a convenient attempt to use language to distance ourselves from the situation, or person as it were, at hand. We are no longer talking about people. We are using an adjective that cannot be attributed to a human being, to describe aliens. Instead of talking about real human beings, no different from us except for the unfortunate circumstances that they were born into, we'd rather view them as job-stealing, criminal E.T.'s who come to visit, and never go home. I think we do this to make ourselves feel better about taking that position. I guess it's far easier to say "I'm against illegal aliens", than it is to say, "I'm against an unfortunate, poverty-stricken and unprotected group of people."

Its disgusting. No person is illegal. If you care enough about immigration to make it your duty in life to "crack-down" on these people, do me and the rest of the world and a favor and just kill yourself. Honestly. Shoot yourself in the face.

The other thing I find troubling is Randy Quaid's new lawsuit against the producers of the movie "Brokeback Mountain." Buck your pussy up and deal Randy, you greedy pig. Too bad you can't act, and you're disgusting. Don't go complaining that you didn't get ten million dollars out of a low budget film that proved to be successful. Boo-hoo. Fucking prick. He only had like five lines in the film anyway, and thank God. The man's acting abilities are embarrassing, and his on-screen presence makes me want to vomit. He should consider himself lucky to have been in the movie at all. Its the first time that he hasn't played a sloppy, degenerate alcoholic on film since God-knows-when.

On to the Afghan Christian being sentenced to death. Here's my take;

Dear Fundamentalist Islam,
You are EVIL and INSANE.
Fuck off and die.
Dear Fundamentalist Christianity,
you are EVIL and INSANE.
Fuck off and die.

I find the situation troubling, and deeply so, but what I find more troubling is the western outcry against all this. What, we've developed a conscious all of a sudden because this case concerns a converted christian and we can finally relate to this brown-skinned person from the middle east? Is that honestly what it takes?? Is that honestly all that these freaked out and angry Christians have in common with this man? You don't see riots in the streets when other people are sentenced to death, or when women are stoned because they were "allowed" to be raped. (Which is common practice in places like Iran). We should be ashamed of our lack of compassion and our inability to connect with other human beings.

And last, South Dakota.

Dear South Dakota,
Stop telling women what to do with their bodies. Stop trying to control, oppress, and own women. Fuck off and die.

My solution would be to abort any conservative, white man living in South Dakota. How's that for an abortion law? If I had a vagina I swear, I would get pregnant and give myself an abortion on the steps of the capital in protest. I would like to see what would become of that!

Well, that's all for now. I'm glad to finally get that out of my system. Off to bed.
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