The Bachelorette

Jul 07, 2009 10:48

So Wes finally got kicked off the Bachelorette last night. It's about damn time! He proved himself to be even more of a scumbag than previously thought in the past episode and Jillian finally saw it. I'm so glad, and am quite pleased with the 3 guys left.

Wes was there completely for publicity, and even admitted to Jillian that his manager thought it would be a good idea. Right before the rose ceremony he even told the guys if he was leaving that night, that he'd be back at home having lots of sex. Wtf?! Then, on his ride back home after being kicked off, he was so proud due to the fact he was the first guy on the show to make it to the final four with a girlfriend, and how he was going to hit the town that night and hook up with girls. His demeanor completely changed and he really showed his true colors.

I get that its a reality TV show, but that guy hit an all new low. He is the epitome of all the things to hate in a man. I'd be surprised if any girl that saw him on this show would give him the time of day. I think I'd kick him in the balls if I ever saw him. I hope his band fails!


the bachelorette

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